Image via M + E
from M + E after seeing it on the Kitchn. It's kind of sad that I had buy something to write another blog post, but whatever works, right?
This may seem like an entirely random purchase, but in many ways it isn't. First of all, we all know that the color matches my kitchen perfectly. Secondly, I love BLTs, and have a very specific method for making them that involves english muffins and approximately triple the normal amount of bacon. Most importantly however, seeing this image reminded me of one of my home test projects for my Parsons application, which required a visual interpretation of a multiple-step project. I ended up doing a series of 5x5 collages in a kind of "dirty constructivist" style, that I am really reminded of by this print. It really makes me think back to the days when I was young enough that it felt like all paths were still open to me, and I could do ANYTHING. Remember that feeling? Well maybe we are all still young enough. In fact, youth has nothing to do with it - just because you've been following Path A for x number of years, does not mean that you can't choose to start on Path B. To be honest, I'm still into Path A;I just need to get my ass of the orange plastic seat at the Roy Rogers at the rest stop I decided to fill up at about a year ago and get back on Path A's fast lane.